12 January, 2017

Old Dilton

Old Dilton Farm

2nd - 5th January, 2017

My sister Nicole and her husband Rob and their kids live on a small farm(lette) near Westbury (not far from Bath) where they've spent much time, effort and pounds on restoring the grade 2 listed house and associated stables.  They're living in the house and letting the converted stables as a holiday let now.  The land is rolling green hills with a spring fed stream running through the property. 

The stream feed a pond which froze over while were were there. Not enough to stand on by a long way but it made a wicked noise when hitting the ice with a stick as the crack reverberated across the surface.

Max and Jemima joined their cousin Jake in trying to make a bonfire next to Jake's 'den' - unfortunately, the kindling was too wet to catch, so after about an hour in the cold unsuccessfully attempting to get flames to take, they abandoned the attempt and came inside. By the way - the light source in this photo is a torch, not a fire sadly.

A family catchup, not sightseeing was the main purpose so we spent a lot of time just hanging out with Nic & Rob's family.

And their chooks

The stream that runs through their property

Rope swings in the back yard with cousins.

The Caen Hill lock system at Devizes - a 47 lock complex that allows canal boats to get up to the Salisbury plain and down. An incredible engineering feat given it's well over 100 years old.

Jemima and Lexie posing on one of the lock arms.

All four cousins goofing off

A Canal boat

At the top of the lock system, there was a 'camping ground' for canal boats to pull up at and stay for extended periods.

One of the lock valve winches

Lock valve winch

Rob looking like a proper English Gentleman 

Nic's dogs Rusty, Pepper and ringer Trevor (who's staying with their family while his owner is away)

Lock 29

The lock system from near the bottom

Trevor keeping the kids company

One of 11 (I think) white horses in the area around Nic & Rob's - made from chalk originally - there is a chalk quarry within the same hill.

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