24 December, 2016

Visiting Chateux Chillon

Chateau Chillion, Montreux

A short bus ride down from central Montreux is a chateau, almost a castle built on a small island in Lake Geneva - it developed over the years into a fortress on the Northern land side and residence on the lake side of the island.  Rather hauntingly, it also had a prison in which enemies of the feudal lords that lived in the chateau would be imprisoned - some for decades or even hanged on site. The tourist tax on the hotel room covered us for local bus transport system and a discount to the chateau - it proved to be a bargain at CHF18.50 for the family.

I might get Sharon to update this post since she had the audio guide for the chateau.

The prision

Max looking for an escape path from the prison or at least this family educational tour....

Hangman's noose

Artwork on the wall of part of the prison.

Internal courtyard and one of many Christmas trees set up throughout the chateau.

Interesting door in the chateau.

They certainly knew how to do fireplaces - pretty much all of the fireplaces in the chateau were of this scale.

Lots of the windows has seats either side of them built into the window frame.

Some of the original art work in one of the bedrooms.

Painted coats of arms in a great hall

More coats of arms

Another room - more artwork painted onto the walls. This one with a background of Fleur-des-lyh 

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