04 May, 2012

New York, New York, what a fabulous town...

Ever since our last visit to New York, Sharon has been itching to get back.  Last time, the airlines lost all of our checked luggage - two suitcases, never to be seen again and it was -5C with a wind chill of -16C - man that was cold.  This time, the weather hasn't been quite so severe - still not warm and blue skys, but not too bad.  It's a shame that the cloud cover is so low though - we cant see the top of Empire State or Freedom Tower (the highest building in New York as of two days ago!)

There's been quite a few changes as a result of 9/11 since we were last here too - armed zodiacs patrolling both the East and Hudson rivers and the harbour.  Airport style security to get the ferry to Liberty & Ellis Islands.

The kids did the obligatory poses with characters; Stature of Liberty, Elmo etc.

Of course we saw Time Square (we are staying there!), Wall St, United Nations etc:

 When in New York... eat a hot dog from a street vendor!

More to come including FAO Schwartz - the largest toy shop in the world (allegedly).

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