02 May, 2012

Questions from 3/4F

Hello 3/4 F,
                  It is great to listen to your comments and questions. I will answer--- your  questions now (in blue).

We saw you eat a giant chocolate elephant, the children now want to see the kids eating a giant Pizza!
Sorry, but no giant pizza, but Italy does have the best pizza in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today I had a Walt Disney pizza for lunch. It had fries and hot dog on it.

Speaking of chocolate elephants, Josh wants to know how it tasted?

We didn't get to eat the chocolate elephant Josh, but we ate lots of pasta and pizza in Italy.

Rawson and some other greedy guts want you to bring back some samples, of food that is! 

Charles is interested in what you would rate the Harry Potter exhibition?

On a scale to 1 to 10 it would be a 9. It would be a 10 if it had all the characters there for real.

The three trouble makers (Abbey, Charlie and April) were wondering how much you loved Lego Land?
Legoland was awesome! My favorite part was all the rides. The best ride was the Jolly rocker. The Jolly rocker is a pirate ship.

Was there a chocolate factory in England, Like Willy Wonka, Leon wants to know.
Sorry Leon, but we don't know about England, but there is one in Belgium.

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