11 April, 2012

Brighton - including Chochywoccydoodah!

Today, we spent most of the day in Brighton, by the seaside and visits Jemima's favourite Chocolatier - Choccywoccydodah for a quick visit. Unfortunately, it's getting a bit late here for me to spend too much time on this post tonight - I'll have a bit more time tomorrow morning, so I will update the post then. For now, here are a few images to tempt you back:
Brighton used to have two piers, but sadly one of them burnt down a number of years ago - all the remains now is the burnt out superstructure of the pier.  There are some rumours that it was an insurance job, and that it culprits got off without any punishment, but that remains to be seen.
Inside the penny arcade on the pier, they had loads of 'normal' games, but they had these machines that were legal for the kids to gamble on - drop the coin down the slot and hope that it pushes the other coins down the reward chute.
Both Max and Jemima had a ball on the rides - these are on the teacup ride.
All the other photos have Sharon (because I am taking the photos) in them, so here is one with me in it to prove that I am truly here!
Max on the pebble beach.
One of the carousels on the beach itself!
And now for Choccywoccydoodah...
This sculpture is entirely made of Chocolate
Sharon loved these marshmallow sheep!
More chocolate sculptures

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