26 April, 2012

Harry Potter Studio Tour

On Monday afternoon we had tickets to visit Warner Bros Studios in Leavesden for their brand new Harry Potter Studio Tour.  It only opened 3 weeks ago and apparently it's booked out for the next few months.  I first heard of the tour on Facebook and was thrilled to find out it was open while were in the UK and that it was close enough for us to visit while we were staying in Windsor. Needless to say the kids were pretty excited too.

This studio is where much of the 8 Harry Potter movies were filmed.  The cast spent the better part of 10 years here, working and going to school.  It was fascinating to see the sets and props that we were so familiar with on-screen, in real life. There are so many details here that you don't notice on camera.  It's made me want to watch the movies all over again to see if I can find them all.

The Great Hall

Professor Dumbledore

The Griffindor Common Room

Professor Dumbledore's Office

The Potions Labratory.  
Each one of the bottles had hand written labels.  
It must have taken ages!

The Trunk that Barty Crouch held Mad Eye Moody prisoner in.

The Burrow - home of the Weasley Family.

Death Eater mask...still damned scary!

Some of Fred and George Weasley's creations

The Knight Bus

Tom Riddle's grave

The Dursley's house in Privet Drive

The make-up department was amazing. The Goblin masks were really creepy.

Diagon Alley

Gringott's Bank

This is the model of Hogwarts that they used for all the exterior shots. 
The detail is mindblowing.

The ever-tempting Gift Shop

Cardboard models used in the CGI


The Cupboard under the Stairs, Harry's bedroom until he went to Hogwarts.

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