04 April, 2012

Longleat - Safari park

Yesterday, we went with my Sister, her family and my parents to Longleat (the 't' is silent) for a drive through Safari experience, we would recommend it to anyone. Everyone loved it. The drive through Safari was fantastic and we saw loads of (mainly African) animal a lot closer than you would normally get to see them at a normal Zoo and loads of animals that I haven't seen at Australian zoos before. Here are a sample of some of the Safari photos we took:

A  real experience was the drive through the monkey area of the Safari; There are BIG clear signs before you enter saying that the monkeys will damage your car and that you must not feed them

At the first sign of monkeys, we pulled up behind a green Lexus as they had monkeys all over their car.  When we got closer, we realised it was because they were feeding the monkeys Bananas - idiots! Obviously they can't read...

We continued on for a while and got to see some of these creatures quite close up - a couple came looking for food on our rental car - no joy there!


A little way further through the monkey enclosure, we came across the same green Lexus that had been feeding the monkeys earlier, only to see the little scoundrels tearing the car apart! They clawed at the reversing sensors in the rear bumper removed three of the four sensors! Karma is a bitch!
It really does shed new light on the term "cheeky little monkeys"...

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