04 April, 2012

Longleat - part 2

Frankly, Longleat was such a big day and I took so many photos, that I nearly filled my 4Gb memory card in my camera - that's about 400 photos!  They had a magnificent display of other (non-Safari) animals there and one of the best playground's I have ever been to.

 Max, Jake, Jemima and Lexie (Alexandra)

The Manor house from the lake.
 The grounds of the manor house were beautifully manicured.

Nico the silverback Gorilla, who lives on an island in the middle of the lake - and watches Coronation Street on his 32" flatscreen TV with Sky+ (equivalent to Foxtel IQ2 in Australia). He is the second oldest Gorilla in the world at 52 years old, so I guess at his age, it's ok to have a few vices. Apparently, when he was imported years ago and had to spend a long period in quarantine he got bored all by himself, so to keep him occupied, the keepers gave him a black and white tv. He's had a tv ever since.
The lake around Nico has Sea Lions (see below) that Nico doesn't like very much; when they make too much noise, he throws things at them!

Longleat have a number of animal enclosures with animals I have never seen before like this Gopher...
Jemima's favourites - Chipmunks
 Sharon's favourites - Otters
 Max's favourites - Meerkats
Macaw parrots - no cages, just sitting out in the open next to the path...
Marmoset monkeys - you actually walk in among them and they have no cage - I guess the guaranteed food keeps them around.

Siberian Weasels.

Leaf cutter ants.
The adventure playground, or part of it anyway.

All of that and the house itself.  My folks went and had a look while we were at the playground, said it was pretty impressive as well, so all up, plenty for everyone and a great day!

PS. On Monday, we did actually go to Bath and have a look around there. I got some great photos, but just haven't had a chance to write down some words about the the city and the Roman baths themselves. I'll try to catch up on that tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds and looks like you had a fabulous day! Wish we could have been there too. That playgrounds looks amazing and Otters are my favourite too.
