26 April, 2012

Legoland Part Two

I finally have some time to sit down and add some more posts to the Blog.  We've had a mix-up with our hotel rooms in Brussels.  We had requested inter-connecting rooms so that the children could have one room and us the other, with door left open between the two rooms.  When we checked in this afternoon though, we discovered the hotel doesn't have any inter-connecting rooms at all so Andrew is currently down the hall with Max and Jemima is in here with me.  The television shows are all in French so it seemed like a good time to get the laptop out.

Anyway...enough waffle from me, here is part two of Legoland...

Everywhere you looked there were Lego sculptures, anything and everything from animals to people and sometimes whole scenes.  I found myself wondering whether these were all solid Lego or whether the creators use a plastic framework and then add the bricks to the outside.  Not sure what the answer is, although I like to think they're solid Lego.  Either way, they're pretty impressive.

 I couldn't resist adding photos of the toilet signs.  They're hilarious!

The rides were pretty awesome and all designed for children under 12.  Max was able to go on all of them by himself, but Jemima missed the height for independent riding by a measly inch so Drew had to go on some with her. Rides are definitely not my cup of tea.

They have a mini driving school where the children can drive around and follow road rules and traffic signs/lights.  The kids loved it and managed to have 2 turns with very little waiting in the queue.  At the end of their session they could have their photos taken and get their very own drivers' licence.

Mini-land was amazing.  Lots of scenes from around Europe and most of them with extraordinary detail. Cars, boats and trains all moved, bands played music, bells in churches rang, football crowds cheered...it was great.  I thought the kids would find this area a little boring compared to the excitement of the rides but they loved it, especially when they found places they knew.

All in all, Legoland was absolutely fabulous.  I wish there was one in Australia.

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